Hannah Johnson founded the youth Shabbat education program for 6 and older and implemented the Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. She is the daughter of Rabbi Jay and Vickie Howard, and married to Kyle Johnson and together they have one busy 1 year old daughter. Growing up in Torah and coming from a large family, Hannah enjoys sharing teachings about Torah with the youth. She has a background in teaching, a degree in music and is the Hazzan for SHMBE. She has been to Israel five times, enjoying many personal relationships with several Israelis.



TOT SHABBAT CLASS - Ages 0-5 lead by Eleah Howard, daughter-in-law to Rabbi and Vickie Howard. She incorporates games, music, crafts, Bible verse memorization, Bible story time, snacks and special songs. Parents are welcome to attend. Eleah has been involved with SHMBE for many years, working in audio/visual, accounting and planning. 


YOUTH SHABBAT CLASS - Ages 6-12. The class focuses on studying each Torah portion with questions, midrash, and commentary. The class works on Hebrew studies, art, crafts, studying out the feast days, and games. While all ages work in the same room, they are split into two groups. Effie Christiansen has been involved with SHMBE for many years, serving on the board with her husband Glen. Together with her daughter, Elise Heck they teach the Youth Shabbat Class every Sabbath.




TEEN SHABBAT CLASS - Ages 13-18 led by Micah Owen. Micah has a degree in teaching and has been involved with SHMBE for many years, serving in the Audio/Visual department and the youth classes. He took over the teaching of the teenagers, meeting the third Sabbath of every month, discussing prior Torah portions, life in general and everyday possibilities. 

Micah Owen is married to Sophie, Rabbi and Vickie Howard's daughter. Together, they serve in the ministry and are raising 3 busy children under the age of 5.